One of the benefits of a lifetime of afterlife communication is that I know a lot about ghosts … what they are and what they’re not. For instance, they’re not “caught between worlds,” and they don’t need us to help them “move on.” They’re exactly where they’re supposed to be. You don’t honestly think that God, the Creator of the Universe, would leave their eternal fate in your and my hands, do you?

You CAN say that they are “earthbound,” but that’s because their consciousness never left the earth. And when you die, yours won’t either. We’re all right here together forever. That’s just the nature of the afterlife. Yes, knowing the laws of the afterlife can make these things a lot clearer.

Lately, I’ve been researching what folks believe about ghosts and hauntings. I’ve investigated the investigations. Repeatedly I’ve read, “We don’t use ouija boards, séances, mediums or occult methods.” Yet it’s common for ghost researchers to accept, as an underlying condition of their investigations, the erroneous claims of psychics, mediums, and channels.

I’m referring to such concepts as “caught between worlds,” “unfinished business,” “earthbound souls,” and ghost children in distress. At the same time ominous warnings urge vigilant caution in case non-human demons and malevolent entities are encountered. Oh, and don’t forget the Hollywood expression, “Go to the light.” Scientific research can’t be conducted properly on a foundation of superstition.

Let me tell you some things that are true about ghosts. Actually there are only two kinds of ghosts: real and not-real.

The real ghosts are everywhere. They’re in your home, in your car, in your school, and in your dreams. Ghost researchers call these interactive ghosts. I call them soul-ghosts, or disincarnate souls. I don’t care for the term, disembodied because they do have a body. We just can’t see it for the same reason that we can’t see sound waves and ultraviolet light. They’re outside the range of our sentient boundary.

Soul-ghosts are interactive. They reach out to you, and you feel no fear … absolutely none. They envelop you in a blanket of warm fuzzies. Real ghosts can be mistaken for angels. This isn’t a paranormal experience. It’s a supernatural and spiritual experience.