How can Creationism be true? In the Dark Ages, not that long ago, there was only one viewpoint; there was only one agenda. The united Churches of various countries ruled supreme. They were ‘God,’ exactly as those with too much power feel that they are today. The Church was a solid, unchanging monolith. Today, people are financially ruined; back then, they burned you at the stake for any type of heresy. ‘They’ (authorities) had a full range of public tortures to teach the masses a lesson. This was the Holy Church. They took your money and if you were not careful; they might confiscate everything you own (like the I.R.S.).

This writer must ask a few questions to readers. What time is it? What century is it? Creationism might work for those of the pre-Renaissance. Creationism does not function well in the days of the post-Renaissance. How can any philosophy not include science? How can any view not incorporate some strands of established, scientific truths? We do not have to swallow classic Science or Darwin’s version of Evolution, but most real facts clash with general Fundamentalism.

Churches may disregard certain disturbing facts, but would their deity? What kind of God do Creationists have that ignores universal facts? The Supreme God, by definition, has set the universal stage and is aware of every scientific fact in town. Then, anything TRUE is of God; God, that incomprehensible thing that is the Ultimate Scientist? The God-force certainly does not possess the ignorance of men who believed the Earth was flat. Would not God condemn superstitious ignorance and appreciate scientific wisdom? By this logic, if we really want to get closer to religious truths (and God)…then, we should not follow a ‘spiritual’ way of life…but, a ‘scientific’ path.

What is wrong with a union of Science and Religion? Answers do not reside exclusively in one camp or the other. There exists only ONE truth and it must stand in-between Evolution and Creationism. Theological truths are not black or white. Eastern philosophies (such as metaphysics, reincarnation, etc.) are middle-truths since they are opposed by Church and State. The point is to not side or place all of your faith in one (Western) extreme or the other. A middle-of-the-road attitude tends to be a correct code. Creationism is a mad, blindfolded monster from the Dark Ages. Any modern person can slay Creationism; even a child.

Why would we want beliefs anywhere near our great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather’s views? Remember what time it is. Are we not modern men and women? Remember to keep your eyes and mind open. Too many people have died because they believed they knew the truth and THE CHURCH KILLED THEM!

Giordana Bruno was an Italian philosopher; born in 1548, not far from Mount Vesuvius. His controversial work included a belief that the universe was infinite and the Earth orbited the sun. Bruno became a Dominican priest. He coined the phrase, ‘libertes philosophica,’ which means the freedom to think/dream and make philosophy. Chief theologians, at the time, and the pope’s Inquisition convicted the heretic. He was imprisoned for eight years and then taken to the palace of the Grand Inquisitor in February, 1600. After given numerous opportunities to recant in order to save his life, Bruno refused and was burned at the stake.

‘…He suffered a cruel death and achieved a unique martyr’s fame. He has become the Church’s most difficult alibi. She can explain away the case of Galileo with suave condescension. Bruno sticks in her throat. He is one martyr whose name should lead all the rest. He was not a mere religious sectarian who was caught up in the psychology of some mob hysteria. He was a sensitive and imaginative poet, fired with the enthusiasm of a larger vision of a larger universe…and he fell into the error of heretical belief. For this poet’s vision, he was kept in a dark dungeon for years and then taken out to a blazing marketplace and roasted to death by fire! It is an incredible story. The Church will never outlive him.’